Books / Livres
Bourbeau, Philippe, (ed), Handbook on Migration and Security, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, forthcoming, 2017
- The Handbook on Migration and Security seeks to provide analyses of several aspects of the links between migration and security in a globalized world. This unique Handbook has two objectives: first, to explore the growing diversity of approaches, paradigms, questions, and methods developed to study the migration-security nexus; second, to initiate a multidisciplinary dialogue about the ontological, epistemological, explanatory, and normative aspects of the links between migration and security in social sciences and beyond. Drawing content from a wide range of international scholars, the volume examines the securitization of migration across several disciplines and issue areas.
- Themes covered: Political economy, Gendered bodies, Discourses and practices, Ethics, Urban studies, Detention, Environmental refugees, Resilience, Migrant smuglling, Surveillance, Xenophobia, Politicisation, Media, Pandemics, International organisations.
- Contributors: Anthony M. Messina, Christopher Browning, Christopher Rudolph, Lauren Wilcox, Philippe Bourbeau, Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Lorenzo Gabrielli, Dan Zuberi, Ariel Taylor, Roxanne Doty, Gregory White, Marianne Potvin, Diane Davies, Anna Triandafyllidou, Valsamis Mitsilegas, Niovi Vavoula, Ariane Chebel d'Appollonia, Pietro Castelli Gattinara, Laura Morales, Alexander Caviedes, Christina Greenaway, Brian D. Gushulak, Antoine Pécoud, Martin Geiger, Mikhail A. Alexseev, Robert Muggah
- 'Managing migration flows used to be the remit of government departments of the interior and labour. Now foreign offices, anti-terrorist agencies and ministries of defence are involved. What accounts for this dramatic process of securitization? In the pioneering book, the editor and contributors go beyond familiar post 9/11 narratives to untangle the theoretical, discursive, gendered and political aspects of the question. The authors cover topics like smuggling, trade, migration policies and health pandemics, doing so in a conceptually challenging and original way.' Robin Cohen, Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford
- 'Managing migration flows used to be the remit of government departments of the interior and labour. Now foreign offices, anti-terrorist agencies and ministries of defence are involved. What accounts for this dramatic process of securitization? In the pioneering book, the editor and contributors go beyond familiar post 9/11 narratives to untangle the theoretical, discursive, gendered and political aspects of the question. The authors cover topics like smuggling, trade, migration policies and health pandemics, doing so in a conceptually challenging and original way.' Robin Cohen, Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford
Bourbeau, Philippe, (ed.), Security: Dialogue across Disciplines, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015
- Preview of the Introduction
- Security is one of the most daunting subjects of the 21st century. This edited volume provides a comparative analysis of the ways in which the concept of security is theorised and studied across several disciplines. This book has two objectives: first, to explore the growing diversity of theories, paradigms and methods developed to study security; second, to initiate a multidisciplinary dialogue about the ontological, epistemological, paradigmatic, and normative aspects of security studies in social sciences. Drawing content from a wide range of international scholars, this volume examines the study and theorisation of security across several disciplines and issue areas. Readers from different fields are invited to reflect on their conceptualisations of security and to consider how an interdisciplinary dialogue can stimulate and enrich the understanding of security in our contemporary world.
- 'The excellent essays in this timely volume offer many key contributions to the emerging discussion of interdisciplinary security studies. By drawing on a wide diversity of current scholarly perspectives, the numerous valuable insights in these chapters move the conversation on this essential political concept ahead rapidly.' Simon Dalby, Wilfrid Laurier University
- 'The ubiquity of 'security' in public debates and throughout the social sciences makes this volume timely and essential reading for anyone wanting to look beyond narrow or conventional scholarly horizons. It is a unique and outstanding effort to communicate across disciplines.' Keith Krause, Geneva-Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
- 'This volume's common core questions addressed from each perspective provide just the right touch of thematic unity so the contributors are not simply talking past one another, but rather provide productive points of comparison that will be of great use for scholars and graduate students alike as a reference and also jumping off point for their own research. A fresh and timely contribution to help us all think in a sophisticated way through the flux of contemporary global security.' Richard Price, University of British Columbia
- Reviewed in H-Diplo
Bourbeau, Philippe, The Securitization of Migration. A study of movement and order, London, Routledge, Series Security & Governance, 2013-paperback; 2011-hardback
- Read the Introduction
- The Securitization of Migration is about the movement of people and the system of order underpinning the movement. In undertaking a comparative study of Canada and France, the study analyses the process of securitizing migration. It explores the process of discursively and institutionally integrating international migration into security frameworks that emphasize policing and defence. Drawing upon social theory, migration studies, and Securitization Theory, the book seeks to understand the concepts of power underlying security frameworks and how these affect the treatment of migrants and immigrants. The book systematically and comparatively analyzes the role of political agents, media agents, and contextual factors in the process of securitising migration.
- 'Clear, accessible, analytically sharp, and very informative, this book on the securitization’ of migration in France and Canada stands out in a genre that does not usually show these qualities.' Christian Joppke, University of Bern
- 'An insightful and challenging study that expands the horizons of securitization theory and makes an important contribution toward understanding the international politics of migration. This is a book that addresses important questions, and that will interest anyone concerned with the politics of security today.' Michael C. Williams, University of Ottawa
- 'This insightful study adds empirical richness and comparative breadth linking Europe with North America to provide a pathbreaking analysis of the securitisation of migration in France and Canada.' Andrew Geddes, University of Sheffield
- 'While states have been securitizing migration for quite some time now, international relations theorists are still catching up. Using a range of methodologies, Bourbeau's insightful comparative study of France and Canada carefully traces the process through which migration has been securitized since the end of the cold war. The Securitization of Migration is a timely and valuable contribution to the broader literature on migration and international relations.' Peter Andreas, Brown University
- Reviewed in two Review Articles:
- Hill, Christopher. "Multiculturalism meets International Politics. Review Articles", Ethnicities, 2016.
- Messina, Anthony. "Securitizing Immigration in the Age of Terror. Review Articles", World Politics, 2014, 66(3): 530-59.
Bourbeau, Philippe, La Chine et la diaspora chinoise. L’Extrême-Orient russe convoité, Paris, Harmattan, Collection Raoul-Dandurand, 2002
- L'objectif premier de cet essai est d'éclaircir la nature des rapports qu'entretient la Chine avec la diaspora chinoise et d'en mesurer la portée. En outre, il tente de cerner en quoi cette relation État-émigré spécifique affecte les relations sino-russes depuis la chute de l'URSS. Comment la Chine perçoit-elle la place de la Russie dans l'espace géostratégique du Nord-Est asiatique? Cette place est-elle compatible avec la présence de plusieurs milliers de Chinois ayant émigré en Extrême-Orient russe?